Friday, September 30, 2011

More Math With Apples

We made an apple graph using this poster.

Here is what the finished graph looked like.

After making the graph, we added the red and yellow together to see how many we would have.  We did the same with the yellow and green apples and red and green apples.  After that, someone suggested we add all of the apples together.  I recoreded our information on this board.  

Just another fun way of counting and recognizing math symbols.  

We painted apple trees for our hall bulletin board.

After the paintings dried, we added a math sentence to them using the words "more and less".  Aren't they beautiful! 

 These paintings turned our bulletin board into a gorgeous apple orchard!!

Doesn't it make you want to go out to a real apple orchard and pick some apples!

1 comment:

  1. I used to like the Red Delicious apples the best, but I think that's just because their name makes them sound the best. Now I like Granny Smith apples the best!

    I love the work you're all doing! What a happy, productive class!
