Monday, October 24, 2011

Miss Spider's Tea Party

Miss Spider invited Wilson's Whiskers to a tea party.   We had little tea party cookies.  And we also had 4 different kinds of tea to taste.

After tasting all four different kinds of tea, the children made spiders and placed them on the web above the name of the tea they liked best.  Now we have a SPIDER WEB GRAPH.  We talked about how graphs can be made in many ways.  And we also talked about why it is important to use the information we get from graphs in our lives.  

All in all, Miss Spider's Tea Party was so much fun!! 

Old Bakers Farm

How fun it was!!  Our first field trip this year was to Old Bakers Farm.  We had such a great time.  Here are some photos of all the fun thigs we did.

We went on a hayride out to the pumpkin patch.  There were fields and fields of pumpkins.

We searched for the perfect pumpkin.

And then we loaded all the pumpkins on the wagon and road back to get ready for lunch.

Can you believe it?  We ate lunch in the top of the barn!!  That was extra special!  It is amazing how much better food taste when you eat outside.

After lunch we were off to the haystack.  

Doesn't this look like just too much fun!!!
Our next stop was the barn to see the animals.  
We got to pet some baby animals.
Then we had our class picture made right outside the barn.  The sub was so bright, we had a difficult time looking at the camera.

We were then walking down the dusty dirt road to the catton fields.  W e went over to Mr. and Mrs. Baker's yard to stand in the shade whiile she talked to us about the importance of cotton.  But while we were standing there her dog joined us.  The dog joined us there to rest in the shade.

After we learned all about cotton, we went to the cotton field to do a little picking.

After a long hot day, we got on the school bus and came back to school.  Some were so tired, they slept on the bus.  We all went home dirty but we had a pumpkin, and lots of good memories!  

If you would like to know more about Old Bakers Farm click HERE

Monday, October 3, 2011

A Few Fun Moments

here are just a few photos from last weeks centers i thought you  may enjoy.

The children read the numeral on each apple and placed that number of worms in the apple.

This is just a fun way to match shapes by placing the cores on the apples with the corresponding shapes.

Making math "addition" math sentences using picture puzzle cards.

putting the apples in ABC order.  (Notice the apples are in order, but going right to left.)  LOL!

Roll the die and move the correct number of spaces.  These games not just for math skills, but also great for social skills.  learning to "wait your turn, and go in order" can some times be difficult at this age.  

And, who doesn't like to listen to a good story!  Listening is always a favorite center.  I hope you have enjoyed seeing a little of what we did last week.