Monday, November 25, 2013

November Art

We have some real artists in our class.  Take a look at these!!

These wonderful pictures were created by first giving the paper a watercolor wash using purple, yellow, orange, and green.  We then did a scarecrow in a cornfileld using oil pastels.  Aren't they pretty!!

Here we did cornucopia with markers.  The project involed reading the color word for each object.

These are indians we did.  This was a follow the direction activity.  I would draw and shape and the children would copy what I did.

We wish you and your families a wonderful Thanksgiving and safe travels.

A Look Into Our Classroom

It has a while since I have posted.  Here is a look at some of what we have been doing.

Some of our fall art.  We loved painting these leaves.

Here are some pics of centers.

We use the ipads weekly in our class.  We are so lucky to have a set for the kindergarten classes to use.

The Vestavia Hills firefighters visited us and talked to us about fire safert at home.  We also learned a lot about what is on the fire engine.