Today started off as any day would here in our class. We had our morning meeting where we began discussing the upcoming Chinese New Year. We went to PE 9:00. By 9:30, everything was turning white. We were all getting a little anxious about the weather and wondering when we would get the word that we were having early dismissal. Well, that did not come until 11:00. School was to dismiss at 11:30.
It has been chaos for us the staff, but all has been fine for the children. We have kept them entertained with centers, a movie and now we are using the iPads. Surprising the children are not asking questions about going home. They are just having a good time. And that is important to me. Not one child is showing any sign of stress. They just seem to be enjoying themselves and each others company.
Here is what it looks like outside our classroom.
And here are the children enjoying their iPads.
If your child is still here at school, please know that they are being well cared for and are having a good time with their friends. Please do not worry about the children. We are all warm, well fed, and fine.